
The History of Mudbar

Hi there,
I’m Don Cameron, the heart behind Mudbar Restaurant in the quaint town of Tasmania. My culinary journey started over 50 years ago in a small town with just a few dining options, one of them being my own. Over the years, we’ve seen the town grow to about 50 eateries, but what’s kept Mudbar unique is our dedication to making each customer feel special, a legacy passed down by my late wife, Mel. She taught us the golden rule: “Customer first every day in every way.” We’ve even immortalized her approach in “The Handbook of Mel’s Way,” ensuring that her spirit of genuine hospitality continues to guide us.
We’re not just about great service; we’re also proud practitioners of the paddock-to-plate philosophy, ensuring that the food we serve is as fresh and locally sourced as possible. This commitment to quality, combined with our unwavering focus on customer satisfaction, has helped us navigate the challenges of fluctuating tourism and the evolving dining scene. Mudbar is more than a restaurant; it’s a journey of passion, resilience, and heartfelt connection with our community.
Don Cameron
Don Cameron

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